May ’20 newsletter

woman with sore wrist

May ’20 newsletter

It’s May! As the weather cools, and restrictions start to ease a little, we are continuing to take extra care in our clinic. Our telehealth appointments and virtual classes are all running smoothly, and while we continue to be busy in the clinic, we’re glad we have these online options available for those who need to stay at home.

This month’s newsletter gives you more information about our upcoming online Osteoarthritis talk, as well as a look at our new corporate sessions for your workplace, or at home. We finish with our Education Quarter, which is all about hernias! Enjoy…

Osteoarthritis online event

Do you have Osteoarthritis (OA), or do you have a family member with OA? Or maybe you’re a professional who comes in contact with older people?

You might remember that Peter was due to run an Osteoarthritis event at Norths Cammeray earlier this month. Obviously it couldn’t go ahead, but we’ve decided to move it across to an online seminar. Peter will give you the run-down on what OA is, how to treat and manage it, and what to do to improve your pain and your quality of life. We’ll give you more information about this soon, so keep an eye out!

New corporate packages

We’ve been working with employees of businesses for a long time now. Whether it’s work cover, injury management or prevention, screening or ergonomics, we help company bosses and their workforce every day in the clinic. So, we decided it was time to wrap up our offering into some handy packages, so we can make it easy for companies to help their employees look after themselves, get them fit for work, or back to worker sooner.

Packages range from ergonomic desk set-up and employee screenings, to fit-for-work assessments, employee education and one-on-one physio sessions. Packages vary depending on organisation and employee needs. For more information, check out our new Workplace assessment and ergonomics page on our website.

Queen’s birthday holiday

We’ll be closed on Monday 8 June for the Queen’s birthday public holiday. Enjoy your day off and stay safe.

The Education Quarter

All about abdominal hernias…

Mention the word ‘hernia’ and most people will think of something painful sticking out of the belly region. You’ll be pleased to know this is not always the case. Many cases are completely pain-free and are only noticeable on a person when they are in a particular position. At other times there may be no other visual sign that a hernia even exists! Read on for more information…

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal contents (i.e. intestines) through a weakened or damaged part of the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are commonly found in the abdominal region of the body; that area between the bottom of the rib cage and the hip / pelvic area. Abdominal hernias can be broken down into two locations:

  • Abdominal wall location: Hernias that occur through the wall of the abdomen on the front of the belly region
  • Groin location: Hernias that occur lower down in the abdomen around the groin region

Abdominal wall location

There are a few different types of abdominal wall hernias with the most common being:

  • Incisional: These hernias occur in and around a scar or ‘incision’ left over from a previous abdominal surgery. During surgery, the muscles of the abdominal wall are cut to allow the surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen. This leaves a weakened area of the wall which is a potential site for herniation to occur. This type of hernia accounts for approximately 10-15% of all abdominal hernias.
  • Umbilical: This is a protrusion at the belly button which is regularly seen from birth. Over time these usually dry up and disappear altogether. It is possible to get these hernias as an adult too, usually as a result of being overweight or pregnant.
  • Epigastric: There is a tough, fibrous piece of tissue that spans from the tip of the rib cage to the pelvis in the mid-line of the body known as the ‘Linea Alba’. This forms an area of muscular attachment of the abdominal muscles. Due to a weakness in the abdominal wall above the belly button, a hernia can occur. This is common in infants, but again may happen later in life.

Groin location

  • Inguinal: This is the most common type of abdominal hernia accounting for approximately 75% of all cases. The opening for this hernia is a region known as the ‘inguinal canal’ which allows for the testicles and spermatic cord to descend into the scrotum during male development. After this event, the canal should tighten, but in some males the muscles responsible for this do not respond as well as expected, leaving an area of weakness. As females do not forego this part of development, it rarely affects women.
  • Femoral: There is a space in the floor of the abdomen for a vein and artery to pass through and down into the leg, known as the femoral canal. In females this canal is wider which results in this type of hernia being more common in women than men. It accounts for approximately 10-15% of all abdominal hernias.


Treatment of abdominal hernias depends on the severity and symptoms associated with them. Sometimes with a hernia, the abdominal contents inside them can become trapped and ‘strangled’, ’which can lead to loss of blood supply and ultimately death of tissue. These complications can possibly be fatal if left untreated. In these cases, and with most uncomplicated cases, surgery is the best course of action to ensure a full recovery.

There is also a place for physical therapies like physiotherapy. Physio is particularly helpful following a surgical procedure to aid with strengthening of the abdominal muscles and surrounding area, supporting the area and reducing the risk of re-herniation. Scar tissue following surgery can affect our ability to move efficiently, however exercise as well as hands-on therapy can help to reduce the effect of this.

If you have an abdominal hernia and would like advice on how to manage it, please get in touch today to book an appointment. If you require the opinion of a doctor or specialist, we’ll ensure you are placed in the best possible hands.